Checklist on COVID-Proofing & Continuity for Businesses

How to Maintain Business Continuity Despite the Challenging Times

The world doesn’t stop for anyone despite the disruptions of the pandemic. Adaptability is the most important skill in order to co-exist with the constant changes in restrictions, variants, and the global supply chain. Here are the top things you need to do to maintain business continuity despite the turbulent COVID times.

1. Stockpile essential supplies

The global supply constraints are presenting a major problem for businesses and consumers not just within Australia but all over the world. It is important that we prepare ourselves for the increasing prices and longer delivery times to avoid running out of stocks.

Solution: Make sure to keep on top of supplies and anticipate an increase in demand. If possible, order your stocks earlier from suppliers, keeping in mind that the delivery times will take longer.

2. Upskilling the staff

While we do our best to take care of our staff, we can’t avoid the growing staffing problems and skill shortages that have been affecting all industries since the pandemic started. After all, they have been badly affected by the economic uncertainties, with the unstable job market, health risks, lay-offs, and furloughs.

Solution: The best way to ensure business continuity despite staffing problems is to upskill the staff. A well-rounded team will keep your business running smoothly despite employee absences and attrition.

3. Ensure that there are adequate high-quality RATS and face masks in supply

Getting infected by the virus is not a matter of if but when. We have to recognise that the risk is always around us, so we need to protect and test ourselves constantly.

Solution: To prevent possible outbreaks in your business or organisation, you need to regularly test everyone with rapid antigen tests (RATS). Wearing a face mask is also important to prevent the spread of the virus. Make sure to keep these two essentials in stock to protect your staff and ensure their wellbeing.

4. Hiring overflow support staff and splitting rosters

Staffing shortages due to infections have caused many businesses to close temporarily and some even permanently. We can prepare all we want but there will always be a small risk of outbreaks within the team, which can definitely affect business competitiveness.

Solution: Despite most businesses running slow at the moment, we need to take this time to be better prepared for what’s ahead of us. One solution to staffing problems is to hire overflow support so that there will always be staff available regardless of what happens. Another thing is to split their rosters so that if one of them becomes sick, they won’t expose the whole team to the virus.

5. Prepare an emergency plan for outbreaks and lockdowns

Despite all your preparation, life will throw a wrench at it and disrupt your business. It is for this reason that all businesses should have an emergency plan for possible outbreaks and lockdowns that can affect productivity.

Solution: An emergency plan varies on a case-to-case basis depending on the nature of your business. If you have team members that are not required on-site, you can assign them to work remotely or from home instead and only have them come onsite when necessary to minimise the risk of infection. That way, you’ll always have backup support. You can also establish or maintain your online channels to keep the communication lines between you and your clients/customers.

Weather the storm of business uncertainties and disruptions with these COVID-proofing tips for businesses!

Prepare for whatever life throws at your business with these pandemic-proofing business continuity tips. If you need to order more promo giveaways and business supplies, you can book a call with our Account Managers to help you with your order.