3 Common Misconceptions about Promotional Products

Popular Myths about Promotional Products — Debunked!

Time and time again, businesses have underestimated the power of promotional products. According to the 2018 Promotional Products Fact Sheet of PPAI, the promotional products industry was worth more than $23.3 billion in 2017, a 9.3% increase from the previous year. The industry has also been growing consistently year after year.

Promotional products certainly aren’t a fad. They work and are here to stay. Let Brandconnect convince you to incorporate promotional products into your marketing strategy by disproving the common beliefs about them below.

Myth 1: People just chuck promotional products into the bin.

Reality: Many people believe that promotional products are corny and low-quality. However, there are plenty of high-quality and beautiful promotional products that range from cute and funny promotional products to designer ones. Therefore, promotional products are kept by most people for more than a year, based on the same fact sheet by PPAI. Among the people surveyed, 81% percent of recipients have shared that they still use the promotional products that they received even past 11 years. Among the reasons that people keep them are their usefulness, attractiveness, and fun factor.

Another thing, even if the recipients have no use for the promotional products, it is still unlikely that they would throw them away. In Australia, 64% would rather pass on the item to a family member, friend or colleague rather than get rid of it or put it on storage. It’s a win-win situation for the recipient and the brand. The recipients get to maintain relationships with their loved ones through the gifted item while the brand gets a fresh breath of exposure with the regifting.

Myth 2: Promotional products are not as effective as traditional advertisements

Reality: Just because something is expensive does not always mean that it is effective or impactful. Traditional advertisements in broadcast, print, or radio can cost businesses up to hundreds or even millions of dollars in expenses. Not so with promotional products. They only cost a fraction of that.

You also get more bang for your buck with promotional products when it comes to brand impressions, according to a study by Columbus Dispatch, Outdoor Advertising Association of America, and Nielsen Company. Brand impressions are the number of times that people view or see your ad. They can generate up to 1,000 impressions per dollar spent, whereas billboards can only achieve 500 impressions, primetime cable gets 200, and newspapers and national magazines get 56. Radio spots give the lowest exposure at 17 impressions.

Myth 3: Products do not have a huge impact on consumers.

Reality: Out of all the myths, this has got to be the most untrue of them all. Promotional products influence the consumers more than any other advertisements. Be prepared to be stunned by the numbers. Eighty-two percent of buyers gain a more favorable opinion of the brand upon receiving a promotional item, according to PPAI. On the other hand, 79% will research more about the brand to get themselves more acquainted with it, while 83% will be true-blue believers of the brand and avail of their products and services.

Aside from that, promotional products are deemed the most effective advertising form across all consumer generations. Almost everyone surveyed recalled the branding, messaging, and call to action on promotional products, compared to other types of advertisements.

Experience the Power of Promotional Products When You Order High-Quality Promotional Products Today

Don’t know them until you’ve tried them. Promotional products are so powerful that they can turn your brand profile around for the better. It can also be integrated with any marketing promotions, employee rewards programs, and corporate identity initiatives. If you want to get started on your own promotional product marketing campaign, order from our extensive collection of high-quality and affordable promotional products here . We also offer free shipping and visuals for those who are still new to this. If you have questions regarding orders or your campaign, you can contact us at 08 9328 6400 or sales@brandconnect.com.au.