4 Reasons to Start Your Christmas Shopping in July

Do Your Christmas Shopping in July to Prevent Delays!

Christmas shopping in July is about to become the norm. Ordering at a later date may cost your business, especially in these precarious times. Here are reasons why Christmas shopping in July is now the most logical step you’ll ever do for your brand and business.

1. Supply chain issues are driving up the cost

Since the start of the pandemic, we have been riddled with supply chain disruptions worldwide. There is no one root cause of this problem, it’s caused by a confluence of issues worldwide, not limited to production shutdowns due to COVID-19 restrictions, cargo container shortages, port congestions, and more.

While it’s estimated to be getting better this year, all the above issues still have been driving up the cost as days, weeks, and months go by.

2. Shipping congestions are delaying orders

While shopping for Australian-made products guarantees less shipping time, most products are imported overseas. There are so many things going on all over the world that are delaying your orders, from port labour union issues and the Ukrainian-Russian war in Europe to the insufficient capacity of ports to handle the influx of shipments. This results in more time for your orders to get to their destination and it also affects the stock levels.

3. Low or no Stock

All the above issues are affecting stock levels and it all boils down to this: difficulty in meeting the demands for promotional products. If it’s difficult now, imagine how much more difficult it would be during the holidays?

This is compounded by the fact that there’ll be greater demand and a shorter turnaround time during the typical holiday shopping months of November through to December.

4. Inflation is making everything expensive

Another pandemic aftershock is the inflation which is further worsened by the war in Europe. This has increased the cost of living worldwide and in turn, drives up the prices of promotional products. The inflation is expected to only get worse throughout the year and it will only be exacerbated by the increase in demand during the holidays.

Christmas Shopping in July Corporate Gift Recommendations for All Budgets


Corporate gifting is the perfect way to show appreciation to your clients and help them remember your brand when they need your services. Here are the best corporate gifts for your clients:

Affordable (under $10 and up):

Mid-priced ($20 to $30):

Splurge ($50 and over):


Our customers are a company’s bread and butter. Make them feel appreciated by giving your loyal customers a little something this holiday season.

Affordable (under $10 and up):

Mid-priced ($20 to $30):

Splurge ($50 and over):

Not-for-profit donors

Not-for-profit organisations that are running end-of-the-year fundraisers know that branded gifts and giveaways are crucial to their success. Gifts also offer brand loyalty and retention, making the donors likely to donate more regularly.

Affordable (under $10 and up):

Mid-priced ($20 to $30):

Splurge ($50 and over):


The staff is a huge component of a company’s success. Boost their morale and productivity for the upcoming year by showing your appreciation through corporate gifts.

Affordable (under $10 and up):

Mid-priced ($20 to $30):

Splurge ($50 and over):


For corporations, one can’t deny the influence that executives have on the company culture and operations. For that, they deserve the best your company can offer for helming the ship successfully despite these troubled times.

Affordable (under $10 and up):

Mid-priced ($20 to $30):

Splurge ($50 and over):

Get started on your Christmas shopping as early as now!

Avoid the pitfalls of last-minute Christmas shopping! Do it early to save money and time. For inquiries and orders, please contact us by phone, email, or chat.